November 2022


  • API - introduced rollback endpoints for on prem deployments
  • API - added delete endpoints for deployments
  • API - added support for updating deployments using endpoints
  • APP - added feature rules for the agent specific pages
  • APP - It is possible to add additional headers to your alerts report.


  • API - updated script for creating user specific permissions
  • API - a script is corrected around creating user frrns
  • APP - the input component was parsing the - sign and causing issues with user input
  • APP - the stream page state view input will show values when it doesn't match any options
  • APP - the stream page y axis will now align with the user settings
  • APP - removed expansion buttons that had no functionality
  • APP - Fixed dropdown label in the heatmap mode from not showing the selected value


  • APP - Deprecated Legacy App: the url will now redirect to