Returns the list of topics which have uploaded a frame of video in the last 10 seconds. You use this to identify what to request on the /accounts/{account}/devices/{device}/videos/{video} endpoint.
If a topic stops uploading data, the name will be removed from the list. Names have been sanitized by removing the / and other bad characters and are replaced with -.
Retrieving Historical Topic Names:
When turned on for a device, the system caches frames from each topic at a sub-sampled rate for future retrieval.
- You will need to add a device attribute of with a value of true to enable historical storage.
- The system caches frames from each topic at a sub-sampled rate for future retrieval. Ex: 30 seconds.
- You can now add ?utc_time=-10m to retrieve the list of active video topics at the previous time using UTC seconds since 1970 (ex: 1590654234) or relative time codes such as now, -10m, -12d, etc. The systm will round the time stamp to the historical frame (ex: Stored every 30 seconds, on the 0, 30, etc interval.
Retrieving Historical Frames:
- You will need to add a device attribute of with a value of true to enable historical storage.
- The system caches frames from each topic at a sub-sampled rate for future retrieval. Ex: 30 seconds.
- You can now add ?utc_time=-10m to retrieve the list of active video topics at the previous time using UTC seconds since 1970 (ex: 1590654234) or relative time codes such as now, -10m, -12d, etc. The systm will round the time stamp to the historical frame (ex: Stored every 30 seconds, on the 0, 30, etc interval.