Add a Fleet Map

Default Map Configuration

  1. In the left side nav, click Fleets.
  1. Click the Maps Icon.
  1. In the top right, click Configure Map.
  1. Click Default Map Configuration.

This will show a blank canvas centered on (0,0).


Map Settings

You can change the origin of the map by navigating to Settings. The settings icon is to the right of the Map Name in the command bar at the top of the screen.


Advanced Map Configuration

The application requires a Freedom engineer to upload a maptile file into the third-party service called Mapbox. Please email the following information:

Subject: Zone Map Configuration Request - [Company Name]
Attachment: CAD drawing in .dwg format as an attachment. This CAD drawing will outline the factory and, if desired, the path where devices navigate.
Additional Note: If the scale of the drawing is unavailable, please include a GPS reference.

A Freedom employee will reach out soon to finalize the timeline of when the map be configured to the zone.

The Freedom resource will provide the Mapbox URL after finishing the above process.